ICT Skills Quit
01. Introduction
02. Getting started
03. Launching Sound Recorder
04. Listening: Sound Recorder
05. Recording
06. Recording: Sound Recorder
07. Effects
08. Inserting a sound file
09. Adding sound files
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01. Introduction

The computer you are using should be able to record and play back sound. You can use the basic Sound Recorder which is part of every copy of Windows. You may also have a specific sound program on your computer.

More complex sound recorders will allow you to:

select and highlight parts of a sound file
copy and paste parts of the sound
zoom in and out on the sound waves
save the sound file in a variety of formats
add fade in or fade out.

The instructions given here are for Windows Sound Recorder, so you will not need to purchase any extra software. Once you have used Sound Recorder you will find it very easy to use a more sophisticated sound program.